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Warby Parker

When looking for a new pair of glasses you look for style, but with a low nose bridge, glasses are always sliding down or resting on your cheekbones. Warby Parker’s newest fit is made for a low bridge and no slip. If you have a low bridge you’ll get it, if you don’t, see how annoying it is?

CW - Ben Kalajainen

 Interactive bus ads will drive home the frustration felt by the millions of individuals with a low bridge who’ve been ignored by American glasses manufacturers. Folks are encouraged to “push up” the glasses, allowing them read the copy. Unfortunatel

Interactive bus ads will drive home the frustration felt by the millions of individuals with a low bridge who’ve been ignored by American glasses manufacturers. Folks are encouraged to “push up” the glasses, allowing them read the copy. Unfortunately, the glasses fall before most have the chance to finish the line, encouraging them to push up again.

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 A parallax effect inside of a mobile online ad helps illustrate the problem of slipping glasses in eye-catching way.

A parallax effect inside of a mobile online ad helps illustrate the problem of slipping glasses in eye-catching way.